Mavi América cuenta con el respaldo de más de 50 años de experiencia brindada por nuestra compañía matriz (Mavi) ubicada en Venezuela. Ahora, tomando como base de operaciones la República de Panamá, expandimos la exportación de productos a todo América.



(+507) 6719-9788

Zona Franca Las Américas, Galera 10, Pacora, Panamá.


Unidades Condensadoras

¿Qué son las unidades condensadoras y para qué sirven?

Una unidad condensadora es un sistema de enfriamiento empleado tanto a nivel industrial, comercial y doméstico. Es capaz de enfriar rápido y de forma eficiente grandes espacios durante un tiempo prolongado, de ahí que se empleen como parte de los sistemas de refrigeración (como por ejemplo en cuartos fríos).

Normalmente, una unidad condensadora consta de varias partes:


Serpentín aleteado cuya función es rechazar hacia el ambiente exterior el calor que fue removido del interior del cuarto refrigerado.


Su función es la de forzar aire a alta velocidad a través de las aletas del condensador para aumentar el coeficiente de transferencia de calor y aumentar la eficiencia unidad.


Nuestros compresores Scroll de alta eficiencia energética y bajo nivel de ruido nos permiten hacer el trabajo del ciclo de refrigeración con un mínimo consumo de eléctrico.


Nuestros recibidores de líquido están dimensionados para contener la cantidad precisa de fluido líquido de refrigerante proveniente de la condensación y disponer la cantidad del mismo necesaria para suplir las demandas del sistema con un mínimo potencial impacto al medio ambiente.

Tipos de unidades condensadoras:

En Mavi América puedes encontrar variedad de unidades condensadoras.

Unidades Frigo Split Scroll

Unidades Tipo L Scroll

Unidades Tipo H Discus

Unidades Tipo L Pistón

how we help

Align Costs with Strategy & Focus on Growth

How It Works & How We Do It

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination and control over the compliance with all project implementation parameters that ensures the execution of works on time.

Integrating of innovation and public benefit into your workflows; ensuring strategic and sustainable development of your organization from project.

marketing analysis
finance strategy
business innovation
Frigo Split Scroll

We help financial institutions, from banking and insurance to wealth.

Tipo H Discus

We help financial institutions, from banking and insurance to wealth.

Tipo L Scroll

We help financial institutions, from banking and insurance to wealth.

Tipo L Pistón

We help financial institutions, from banking and insurance to wealth.

“I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure. It is: Try to please everybody.” david oswald
how we help

Align Costs with Strategy & Focus on Growth

main principles

Global Reach with Local Understanding

In what areas do you provide management consulting?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention.

In which countries do you provide consulting services?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention.

How is a consulting project started and organized?

Our associate consultants specialize in a range of business areas. These include strategic planning, issues resolution, culture assessment, board effectiveness, retention.

our benefits

Why Clients Choose Us


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled


We’ve been a strategy thought leader for nearly five decades and we bring unrivaled

Looking for a First-Class Finance Firm?

We welcome and celebrate different perspectives to help our firm, our clients and our people.

reliable & safe

Our Strategy Development

We are working in the format of an outsourcing project office. We assume operational coordination and control over the compliance with all project implementation parameters that ensures the execution of works on time.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

We can definitely define the provided level and range of Synergy Development Consulting as a full-cycle support. Therefore, we treat each client as an equal partner in the long term. Our team consists of talented and motivated people who are united by love to their work!

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.

Successful experience of experts in structuring investment projects, developing and implementing construction, developers and energy projects, restructuring programs, etc. provides a positive impact on your company profitability.

Integrated career development, business consulting and digital media solutions connect your vision to results. Instead of quick-fix, out of the box, buy-in-bulk products, I develop highly customized solutions.